Source code for toolz.sandbox.core

from toolz.itertoolz import getter, cons, pluck
from itertools import tee, starmap

# See #166:
# See #173:
[docs] class EqualityHashKey(object): """ Create a hash key that uses equality comparisons between items. This may be used to create hash keys for otherwise unhashable types: >>> from toolz import curry >>> EqualityHashDefault = curry(EqualityHashKey, None) >>> set(map(EqualityHashDefault, [[], (), [1], [1]])) # doctest: +SKIP {=[]=, =()=, =[1]=} **Caution:** adding N ``EqualityHashKey`` items to a hash container may require O(N**2) operations, not O(N) as for typical hashable types. Therefore, a suitable key function such as ``tuple`` or ``frozenset`` is usually preferred over using ``EqualityHashKey`` if possible. The ``key`` argument to ``EqualityHashKey`` should be a function or index that returns a hashable object that effectively distinguishes unequal items. This helps avoid the poor scaling that occurs when using the default key. For example, the above example can be improved by using a key function that distinguishes items by length or type: >>> EqualityHashLen = curry(EqualityHashKey, len) >>> EqualityHashType = curry(EqualityHashKey, type) # this works too >>> set(map(EqualityHashLen, [[], (), [1], [1]])) # doctest: +SKIP {=[]=, =()=, =[1]=} ``EqualityHashKey`` is convenient to use when a suitable key function is complicated or unavailable. For example, the following returns all unique values based on equality: >>> from toolz import unique >>> vals = [[], [], (), [1], [1], [2], {}, {}, {}] >>> list(unique(vals, key=EqualityHashDefault)) [[], (), [1], [2], {}] **Warning:** don't change the equality value of an item already in a hash container. Unhashable types are unhashable for a reason. For example: >>> L1 = [1] ; L2 = [2] >>> s = set(map(EqualityHashDefault, [L1, L2])) >>> s # doctest: +SKIP {=[1]=, =[2]=} >>> L1[0] = 2 # Don't do this! ``s`` now has duplicate items! >>> s # doctest: +SKIP {=[2]=, =[2]=} Although this may appear problematic, immutable data types is a common idiom in functional programming, and``EqualityHashKey`` easily allows the same idiom to be used by convention rather than strict requirement. See Also: identity """ __slots__ = ['item', 'key'] _default_hashkey = '__default__hashkey__' def __init__(self, key, item): if key is None: self.key = self._default_hashkey elif not callable(key): self.key = getter(key) else: self.key = key self.item = item def __hash__(self): if self.key == self._default_hashkey: val = self.key else: val = self.key(self.item) return hash(val) def __eq__(self, other): try: return (self._default_hashkey == other._default_hashkey and self.item == other.item) except AttributeError: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return '=%s=' % str(self.item) def __repr__(self): return '=%s=' % repr(self.item)
# See issue #293:
[docs] def unzip(seq): """Inverse of ``zip`` >>> a, b = unzip([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) >>> list(a) ['a', 'b'] >>> list(b) [1, 2] Unlike the naive implementation ``def unzip(seq): zip(*seq)`` this implementation can handle an infinite sequence ``seq``. Caveats: * The implementation uses ``tee``, and so can use a significant amount of auxiliary storage if the resulting iterators are consumed at different times. * The inner sequence cannot be infinite. In Python 3 ``zip(*seq)`` can be used if ``seq`` is a finite sequence of infinite sequences. """ seq = iter(seq) # Check how many iterators we need try: first = tuple(next(seq)) except StopIteration: return tuple() # and create them niters = len(first) seqs = tee(cons(first, seq), niters) return tuple(starmap(pluck, enumerate(seqs)))