
PyToolz tries to support other parallel processing libraries. It does this by ensuring easy serialization of toolz functions and providing architecture-agnostic parallel algorithms.

In practice toolz is developed against multiprocessing and ipyparallel.


Multiprocessing or distributed computing requires the transmission of functions between different processes or computers. This is done through serializing the function into text, sending that text over a wire, and deserializing the text back into a function. To the extent possible PyToolz functions are compatible with the standard serialization library pickle.

The pickle library often fails for complex functions including lambdas, closures, and class methods. When this occurs we recommend the alternative serialization library dill.

Example with parallel map

Most parallel processing tasks may be significantly accelerated using only a parallel map operation. A number of high quality parallel map operations exist in other libraries, notably multiprocessing, ipyparallel, and threading (if your operation is not processor bound).

In the example below we extend our wordcounting solution with a parallel map. We show how one can progress in development from sequential, to multiprocessing, to distributed computation all with the same domain code.

from toolz.curried import map
from toolz import frequencies, compose, concat, merge_with

def stem(word):
    """ Stem word to primitive form

    >>> stem("Hello!")
    return word.lower().rstrip(",.!)-*_?:;$'-\"").lstrip("-*'\"(_$'")

wordcount = compose(frequencies, map(stem), concat, map(str.split), open)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Filenames for thousands of books from which we'd like to count words
    filenames = ['Book_%d.txt'%i for i in range(10000)]

    # Start with sequential map for development
    # pmap = map

    # Advance to Multiprocessing map for heavy computation on single machine
    # from multiprocessing import Pool
    # p = Pool(8)
    # pmap =

    # Finish with distributed parallel map for big data
    from ipyparallel import Client
    p = Client()[:]
    pmap = p.map_sync

    total = merge_with(sum, pmap(wordcount, filenames))

This smooth transition is possible because

  1. The map abstraction is a simple function call and so can be replaced. This transformation would be difficult if we had written our code with a for loop or list comprehension
  2. The operation wordcount is separate from the parallel solution.
  3. The task is embarrassingly parallel, needing only a very simple parallel strategy. Fortunately this is the common case.

Parallel Algorithms

PyToolz does not implement parallel processing systems. It does however provide parallel algorithms that can extend existing parallel systems. Our general solution is to build algorithms that operate around a user-supplied parallel map function.

In particular we provide a parallel fold in toolz.sandbox.parallel.fold. This fold can work equally well with or ipyparallel’s map_async.